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Clik here to view.As Aaron and I move forward in this new season, and a somewhat new routine, life affords different opportunities, if chosen to be viewed in a new way. This morning, we walked our girls to school.
Our new routine.
I had my running clothes on in anticipation of heading out upon arrival. Just as we neared our driveway, Aaron says, “Mind if I ride my bike next to you?”
Not at all!
And so we moved forward together… sort of.
Several times I found myself chuckling. While moving forward at a somewhat-steady pace, he noticed things my forward eyes did not. We passed a pond, and his eyes caught the sight of a big fish. Big meaning we could see a tail fin and dorsal-type fin at the same time. He pulled over to take a picture… I think.
We traveled farther and it was time to cross a street. While my body could hop, skip, and jump over curbs and through a roundabout, bike boy had to take a different route.
At times we rode/ran side by side, other times the path was narrow and he rode behind.
We talked about anything and everything, from small family details to even some deep stuff. In fact at one point, he received a call, and grabbed it… on a bike. The one ear bud I had removed to hear better, I simply put back in for a short time. Just a few feet later, a friend of ours had noticed our “date” and actually pulled over to talk. I kept on while they chatted a bit. Fun and wild-crazy all at the same time.
And this is life.
We’re side-by-side, moving in the same direction, headed towards the same goal, yet the courses in which we took to get there were a bit different.
And God provides. Again.
He provides with the gift of time. Which, by the way, just happens to coincide with one of my top two love languages.
And not only that, but yet another “free” lunch I would be able to enjoy with a friend, has possibility led to yet another job lead.
And I get to say… I’m not making this up. This is my God.
And I get to brag on Him. Again.
1 Peter 4:11
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Filed under: devotional, provision Image may be NSFW.
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